Ch1 17
Ah, yes. A very level-headed response, Jillian. Simply threaten everyone into silence.
And make one of them cry. One of them who could literally swallow you up into the ground and you’d never be seen again.
Smart move. Real smart.
I’m sure it won’t come back and bite you in the fanny!
Oh, she’s a multiclass brat/karen. “My dad is your manager!”
I think that’s just the “spoiled heir(ess)” specialisation of “brat”. The “I Will Speak To Your Boss” feat predates the Karen class, although Karens do get it as a bonus feat.
MC seems less likeable this time around.
Correct! This is to show how close to becoming like the rest of the nobles Jillian is. It allows for a smoother transition towards the Jillian we all know and love. As a spoiled, low-tier noble whose father is high-up in the Human/Elemental Relations department, Jillian is used to getting her way – especially when it comes to the help.
Don’t worry, she’ll pay for it later
Not ‘you servants’, but ‘you elementals’.
Not nice
She even threatened to send them to the bad place
Oh, so she’s a cunt.